Run for Your Life - Kissing Tree

Run for Your Life

Whether you’re a runner, a jogger, a walker, or just interested in fun community potlucks, the Kissing Tree Hill Huggers offer a great way to find your footing at Kissing Tree. “We’re a very welcoming group,” says board member Jen Stagnaro. We sat down with Jen to learn about the Hill Huggers’ Saturday morning runs and more. (Editors’ note: If Jen’s name sounds familiar, you might know her from our Kissing Tree Stories Video Series!)

Meet with Your Feet

Jen had been a runner all her life, and she actually joined the Hill Huggers before she and her husband, Steve, officially moved to Kissing Tree, while their home was being built. “It was an easy way to meet people in the neighborhood,” Jen says.

Walk It Out 

If you prefer to run at a slow amble, you’ll fit right in. “There are lots of people who, for different reasons, can’t run anymore, and including them grew the club tremendously,” Jen says. “Now we have more walkers than runners!” The group typically has 50-60 people for Saturday run/walks, and 15-20 on Wednesdays, a meet-up that’s affectionately called the Mid-week Movers. 

The Longest Mile

A club survey also revealed that some members wanted a group for people who are injured or working up to the 5K distance, and the Mighty Milers group was born. This sub-group focuses on going 1-2 miles during each session. “When I tore my meniscus, I was in rehab, and I couldn’t do what I used to do,” Jen said. “For someone who is injured or just starting out with running or walking, this is a great way to work back to a 5K.”

Social Butterflies

Today, Jen has become so involved with the Hill Huggers that she has joined the board. “It’s very rewarding,” she says. “We have another board member, Vee Volpe, who loves to plan social outings. Last year early in the summer we took a trip to Blue Hole, and we have monthly potlucks at members’ houses. For the Jingle Bell run, we were a sponsor and we helped with packet pickup. For the Sights and Sounds run — Matt Worthington coordinated that — we basically handed out every shirt and packet. We have a really fun group.” 

Run Run Reindeer

Last year, the Hill Huggers even put on several races right here in the Kissing Tree community, including a Turkey Trot that ran through the paved cart path on the back 9 of the Kissing Tree Golf Course. “We’ve done the Turkey Trot for 2 years,” Jen says. “It’s fun because a lot of people have family in from out of town, and people show up in turkey tutus. Last year we had 80-90 people participate. We also did a Reindeer Run on the Saturday before Christmas where we handed out jingle bells!”

Come As You Are

For Jen, the Hill Huggers have provided the perfect way to become a part of the Kissing Tree community. “It’s no drama,” Jen says. “It’s all about including everyone, and making it easy for people to come as they are and connect with each other. Everyone loves that at least once a month we have a potluck at someone’s house after a run/walk. People bring food, and it’s just a good time.”

Want to live somewhere that puts a spring in your step? You can start joining Kissing Tree’s groups and clubs as soon as you sign your contract. Or choose a home that’s ready for move in and get here right away! We can’t wait to have you as our neighbor.

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