Organizing Your Closet the Right Way
Active adult living can make way for a large wardrobe. After all, you must have the proper attire for each kind of event, outing and adventure. Top each outfit with the proper shoes, purse and other necessities, and you have a closet full of things your next new outfit might get lost in. It may be time to organize the chaos.
Choose a Time
Pick a time to organize your closet and clear your schedule for as long as you think it may take. Don’t stop until you are done. If you do, you may end up with a pile of clothes in the corner to deal with another day. Don’t put it off any longer. Just do it. Start at a reasonable time so you have plenty of time to get that closet back in shape before the day has ended.
Hanger System
After you have gone through the mountain of clothing in your closet and sorted it out into keep, throw away and donate piles, put each item you intend to keep on a colored hanger representing warm weather clothing and cold weather clothing. For example, you might put your warm weather clothing on white hangers and your cold weather clothing on black. As you wear each item and wash it, place it back with the hanger hook facing the back of the closet. At the end of the warm and cold seasons, donate, give away, or sell any clothing on hangers still pointing towards you.
Seasonal Clothing
If you don’t have room in your closet for all of your warm weather and cold weather clothing, store whichever you aren’t currently wearing in an airtight container. After a year, once you have eliminated the clothing you didn’t wear, you may find you have room for all of your clothes in one place!
Shoes and Purses
Unless you have an absolute need to collect shoes and purses, don’t be a collector of these items. These items will swallow your closet if you let them. Do you really need all five colors of that adorable pump you bought last year? Is it really necessary to have a matching purse for each pair of shoes? The days of meticulously matching your purse to your shoes have passed. Keep aside the shoes you absolutely have to have, and eliminate the rest. As for purses, it really isn’t necessary to have more than one or two. If you keep it down to one neutral purse for all occasions, you’ll never again have to worry that you left your keys in your other purse. Less is more!