Meet the Creators, Foodies, Voyagers & Champs
If you’ve ever been to summer camp you know the excitement and camaraderie it brings. Summer. Friends. Pranks. Crushes. Inside jokes. Lightning bugs. Your fellow campers become your best friends — for life. At camp, you have permission to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. That’s kind of what life is like here at Kissing Tree.
Find your people.
We understand that it can be intimidating to come to a new place where everyone already knows each other. We welcome folks in a variety of ways, but the fastest and most effective way is through our tribes. While the Foodies, Creators, Champs, and Voyagers have only been around since 2018, we’re founding a legacy that will carry on for generations to come.
When you find your tribe, instantly, you’re not the new guy — you’re a Creator or a Voyager. It’s shorthand for who you are — and a chance to reinvent yourself into the person you want to be. Immediately there is camaraderie with long-term residents, staff, and fellow newbies. It lets you know that there are people like you here, and people you want to be friends with.
Take the quiz
There’s no magical sorting hat here at Kissing Tree. You can choose your tribe yourself, or take our short quiz to figure out where you feel most at home. Not only that, you don’t have to limit yourself to one tribe. You can go try a new restaurant with the Foodies and then take part in a game of pickleball with the Champs — it’s all good. All the tribes welcome everyone!
Foodies: Gourmets, bakers and eaters unite — when you’re around a Foodie’s table, you’re surrounded by good food and good company. Join us for:
- Sunday Potluck
- Ladies & Mens Luncheons
- Happy Hour at Independence Hall
- Hill Country Winery Trips
- Austin & San Antonio Dining Nights
- We Love Wine Group
- Craft Beer Lessons
Creators: We are the makers. We’re always working on our craft, and we enjoy the company of our fellow tinkerers. From painting and knitting to welding and carpentry, all things creative are up our alley. Join us for:
- Music Lessons
- Art Classes
- Gardening Classes
- Writing Group
- KT Choir
- Book Discussions
Champs: When we’re golfing, swimming, playing pickleball or kayaking somewhere new, Champs go hard and make it a great time. Join us for:
- Bicycle Rides
- Billiards Competitions
- Bocce Ball
- Disc Golf
- Card Games
- Ladies & Mens Golf
- Horseshoes
- Pickleball
Voyagers: From day trips across Texas to treks around Portofino, Voyagers have stories to tell and plan for the next big adventure. Join us for:
- Adventurers Group
- Aqua Adventures
- Birdwatching
- Dog Lovers
- Fun Ones – Singles Group
- Golf Cart Parades
- Hiking
- RV Group
- Veterans
- Travelers Group
C’mon in – the water’s great!
Ready to be part of the fun here at Kissing Tree? Sign up to get updates about our events, or come tour the Kissing Tree campus and see what all the excitement is about.