Our Favorite Retiree Resources - Kissing Tree
Dec 07th, 2017

Our Favorite Retiree Resources

Even in retirement, we have plenty of obligations. There’s still bills to pay, groceries to buy and appointments with our healthcare providers. Some of us may have trouble making ends meet with only our pension or social security funds while others struggle to find reliable transportation throughout San Marcos.

No matter your needs in retirement, having a list of trusted resources in your corner can provide peace of mind as well as the help you need to live a full life. We’ve put together a list of our favorite retiree resources to give you a leg up during your golden years.

The “On Retirement” Section of US News & World Report

With blog posts on a diverse array of subjects including personal finance, retirement planning ideas, and general life advice, “On Retirement” is a vital resource that’s easy to access. Contributors use language and phrasing that’s easy to understand, even if the subject is complex. Popular “On Retirement” blogs include Retire Fabulously, Sightings at 60, and Social Security Teacher.

Ellys Directory – Texas

Lone Star State residents can access a plethora of useful information on Ellys Directory – Texas. Here, you’ll find links to a wide variety of informational resources, and the page itself is easy to navigate, with categories that include Recreation and Sports, Health, Weather, and Transportation.

The directory also gives you access to entertainment and dining information, such as Big Texas Food and Tax-Free Shopping. The website’s basic design and simple color scheme means you won’t get lost as you search for the information you need.

The Seniors Guide to Computers

Technology has evolved at a breakneck pace over the last few decades, giving many retirees the feeling of being left behind. Thankfully, there’s a useful online resource where you can get answers to all of your technology-based questions. Whether you want to learn about computer basics, how to check your email, or what you can do to keep your personal information safe online, The Seniors Guide to Computers has the answers you need.

The website steers clear from “geek-talk” and explains computer terms and technological concepts in a simple manner, using pictures and videos. If you’re curious about what the “Cloud” is or how to back up your data, this is the resource for you.

The Senior Health Center

Even retirees in active senior living communities such as Kissing Tree have health-related issues and questions from time to time. Sometimes, these questions are deeply personal and require discretion. Fortunately, you don’t need to seek medical advice from your neighbor or close friends thanks to The Senior Health Center at MedicineNet.com.

You can access healthy lifestyle information, nutrition tips, and low-calorie recipes or take helpful quizzes that measure your emotional IQ and test your knowledge on skin conditions or super-foods. The Senior Health Center also contains a pet health section for animal lovers within the 55+ community.

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